Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Fort Days

I love Fort Ligonier Days. It's less a celebration of a battle and more an excuse to have a parade and eat a ton of food. It's basically the best weekend of the year, except for the weekend that we have the ice carving contest and then all the really bad kids come through during the night and knock over the sculptures and then we installed a webcam to catch the miscreants every year. Back on topic, Fort Days is that time of the year where we celebrate Ligonier's history, which this year hits a milestone at 250 years (just like Pittsburgh). So while Fort Days is always a blow-out, taking my town of 1250 people to roughly 100,000, this year is bound to be even more intense. Things I'm most excited for? The gyros sold by Antiochan Village (a camp down the road), chocolate covered strawberries on a stick, everything at the Sand Hill berries booth, fresh buckwheat flour, and hanging out with my sister and hopefully Suzannah and Dylan for a while. It's going to be great!
Want to know more? Check out for the aforementioned live webcam (no, I wasn't kidding!).